Monday, June 13, 2011

Proud to be a Mommy

At summer's start, my girls and I created a bucket list of "things we want to do" over the next eighty-one days of summer vacation. 

Our list includes touristy items like visiting "Legoland".  And we listed simple items like "making stepping stones".   Plus, the everyday items were noted:  swimming with the blue night light, catching fireflies and picking fresh peaches.  Yet, we left plenty of opportunity for impromptu activities that we may possibly learn about at the last minute. 

So, it was an impromptu activity that led us to our recent outing.  And an "OUTING" it was. 

We headed into town to have lunch at one of our favorite eateries.  Plus it has outdoors seating and we wanted to enjoy the weather from within the stratosphere. 

Upon reaching our destination, we noticed that there was a festival of sorts going on across the street.  After lunch, we went to check out the festival.  And the temperature was perfect. 

And the closer we came to our destination, I realized the more colorful it was.  There were rainbows everywhere.  And signs that said PRIDE advertised every empty telephone pole space.  And flamboyant costumes began arriving. 

Since I have one child that can read -- too well for today, I had to use my imagination because how was I going to explain this festival.  Because clearly we haven't studied this topic in school yet. 

children:  "Mommy, what's going on?"
me:  "Oh, it's a festival."
children:  "What kind of festival?"
me:  "Oh, a festival for people."
children:  "Can we stay?  We're people, aren't we?"
me:  "Yeah, we're people.  We can stay for a bit."
children:  "Mommy, what is a PRIDE festival?"
me:  "HUH?"
children:  "Those signs say PRIDE."
me:  "Oh, they do."
children:  "Yes, what is a PRIDE festival?"
me:  "Oh, it's for mommies and daddies.  See all the rainbows.  Children love rainbows.  And this PRIDE festival is for all the PROUD mommies and daddies.  They are sooooo PROUD of their children."
children:  "Oh!  So is that daddy PROUD of that other daddy?  Because they are KISSING."
me:  "Oh.  Yeah.  Well, Um, Huh?" 
me:  "I just remembered we have to go to the park before it closes.  How about swinging and sliding?"

PS  why do the PRIDE get the entire rainbow?  It is something I have always wondered about!!

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