Thursday, June 4, 2009

YES! Si Hai Oui Ja Ken Ano Da

Staying Positive in a Negative Charged World. Is it possible?

It is truly amazing if any of our children grow up and adapt positive attitudes after mommies have to be negative all day long -- every single day, including weekends. Mommies are duds!

No, you cannot sit in the cat tower.
No, you cannot jump through the screen door.
No, you cannot bite the cat.
No, you cannot lick the dog.
No, you cannot paint the dog.
No, you cannot eat the toilet paper.
No, you cannot bathe in the toilet bowl.
No, you cannot draw on the floors.
No, you cannot drive the car.
No, you cannot play with those friends.
No, you cannot stomp on the flowers.
No, you cannot eat the dirt.
No, you cannot eat lollipops on the treadmill.
No, you cannot walk in puddles.
No, you cannot buy a horse.
No, you cannot wake the baby.
No, you cannot sing THOSE songs.
No, you cannot repeat THOSE words.
No, you cannot call your brother a dipshit.
No, you cannot phone your cousin in India.

No, in some languages, resembles the English word "NO". And definitely based upon enunciation and inflection, "NO" can easily be translated.

NO! No Iie Non Nein Lo Ne Ne

In order, the yes and no language translation: English, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Hebrew, Czech, Croatian.

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